
Do you begin and end your day with the world framed by a window or windscreen? Maybe it’s your own or perhaps it is the fingerprint smeared one of the bus or train. Do you run? Or cycle? Do you stare ahead, focussed on the point of horizon, enjoying the sensation of the landmarks flying past you? Or do you walk? Head dead ahead. Music sounding. Telephone chattering. Daydreaming.

Have you walked or driven the same route for as long as you can remember? Have you one day, for whatever reason, looked up and seen something that surprised you? A building above a shop perhaps? A blue plaque? A piece of graffiti impossibly high up? A flag. This blog is about what you can see when you tilt your chin and see a different view of your everyday world.

Look up.

You might enjoy it.

You might see something good.


Sunday, 25 March 2012


...and the livin' is easy... Especially on a lazy Sunday, with the papers, and some very buttery scrambled eggs for company. It's only just officially spring but today it really felt like summer. This is how I spent my morning today. Sometimes sitting and reading, sometimes lying on my back gazing up at the sunshine, and the patterns that the dead leaves have left on the shed roofs overhang. I had stolen the cats favourite sunbathing spot today- he was busy rolling in the gravel by the front step and didn't mind-which is on the decking outside the shed in the garden. I feel quite spoilt having a garden in London and it really is lovely. I am officially moving out of the capital next month and my new place has decking but no grass (less to cut I suppose!) which is a bit of a shame. However it's right near the castle grounds and so I shall use that as a massive sunbathing spot, or maybe just invest in something comfy to lye on at home!

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