
Do you begin and end your day with the world framed by a window or windscreen? Maybe it’s your own or perhaps it is the fingerprint smeared one of the bus or train. Do you run? Or cycle? Do you stare ahead, focussed on the point of horizon, enjoying the sensation of the landmarks flying past you? Or do you walk? Head dead ahead. Music sounding. Telephone chattering. Daydreaming.

Have you walked or driven the same route for as long as you can remember? Have you one day, for whatever reason, looked up and seen something that surprised you? A building above a shop perhaps? A blue plaque? A piece of graffiti impossibly high up? A flag. This blog is about what you can see when you tilt your chin and see a different view of your everyday world.

Look up.

You might enjoy it.

You might see something good.


Monday, 30 January 2012

All the streets just look the same...

People often joke- myself included- that every big city in the world pretty much looks the same. Every street has a Starbucks, a Mc Donalds, a massive sign advertising Coke or Pepsi. As much as I joke about it, I still find it quite depressing when I am abroad and am confronted by these same shop fronts.

Above is a shot of a street in Amsterdam which pretty much sums up just what I've been talking about. Along the same road was a Starbucks, an H and M, a Gap. Quite sad really. One of the strangest things that I have seen whilst travelling was a massive Tesco on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. Its bellowing blue, white and red sign just made me feel pretty miserable that the shop I refuse to buy from back home seems to be following me wherever I go.

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