
Do you begin and end your day with the world framed by a window or windscreen? Maybe it’s your own or perhaps it is the fingerprint smeared one of the bus or train. Do you run? Or cycle? Do you stare ahead, focussed on the point of horizon, enjoying the sensation of the landmarks flying past you? Or do you walk? Head dead ahead. Music sounding. Telephone chattering. Daydreaming.

Have you walked or driven the same route for as long as you can remember? Have you one day, for whatever reason, looked up and seen something that surprised you? A building above a shop perhaps? A blue plaque? A piece of graffiti impossibly high up? A flag. This blog is about what you can see when you tilt your chin and see a different view of your everyday world.

Look up.

You might enjoy it.

You might see something good.


Sunday, 4 December 2011

Scruffy Signs

As you can probably tell; I tend to favour the old and battered to new and shiny. This road sign caught my eye- partly because of its enameling but also because it has so much more character than its newer counterpart. I also find it interesting that the older street signs are almost always placed higher up, maybe they are lower nowadays because you need to be able to see them from car level. If this is the case then its strange how technology makes everything adapt just that little bit.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Friendly Buddhist

Blue-tacked up high in a shop in Wood Green, this sign makes a nice change from the ones threatening you about breaking stuff (which always makes me certain that I am going to).

Street Style

On the corner of Church Street, Brighton is a prime example of why graffiti is often really under-appreciated. Brighton is covered in amazing street art and a lot of it is actually commissioned by the council. This spot on the corner is one of them and changes every couple of months. I always look forward to seeing what will go up next. Loving the colours in this one and its industrial feel.

Stylish Builders Merchants

Lovely shiny tiled sign for a builders merchants round the corner from my local tube stop. I love how something so stylised and pretty is advertising something usually perceived to be very rough and practical.The light bouncing off the black makes me think of a sign outside a theatre for a really camp musical production.