
Do you begin and end your day with the world framed by a window or windscreen? Maybe it’s your own or perhaps it is the fingerprint smeared one of the bus or train. Do you run? Or cycle? Do you stare ahead, focussed on the point of horizon, enjoying the sensation of the landmarks flying past you? Or do you walk? Head dead ahead. Music sounding. Telephone chattering. Daydreaming.

Have you walked or driven the same route for as long as you can remember? Have you one day, for whatever reason, looked up and seen something that surprised you? A building above a shop perhaps? A blue plaque? A piece of graffiti impossibly high up? A flag. This blog is about what you can see when you tilt your chin and see a different view of your everyday world.

Look up.

You might enjoy it.

You might see something good.


Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Make-shift Mosque

An ingenious way of turning a house into a place of worship with some stencils and a lick of paint. I love this.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Post, by horse

Lovely scene above a pub in Guildford, previously the home of both the posting house and a livery stables. Did post get delivered by hoof in those days? I guess all 'post vans' would have been powered by horse...

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Symbolism much?

A pretty apt representation of who runs the country these days. Used to be the monarchy, now it's just the banks.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

A poor alternative

Something rather sad about the fact that this old pub- complete with this awesome sign- is now a fancy suit shop. Save our pubs, that's what I say!

Intoxication Initiation

A humorous sign for a local student pub in Oxford.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Full of Fancy

I walked past this pub every day for a solid week before noticing this sign. I hope it is legible (I have made this photo bigger in the hope that it is, my camera zoom is getting rapidly more rubbish) but this old enamelled sign reads 'Toys and fancy goods'. Sounds delightful! 

Faun in a doorway

Oxford still, a gold painted faun above someone's open porch.A little gaudy and strange but then...why not?!

Time Keeper

Above a pub in Oxford, this white dog is propping up the time.

Skylight detail

I spent the last week in Oxford (more pics to come) working on a fantastic touring play. For the majority of the nights I stayed in a youth hostel near the town centre. This particular one was very noisy, involved me sharing with several snorers and oddballs which wasn't so fun. One thing I did enjoy about this place though was these minimalistic looking creatures, I'm guessing that they are horses but they do also look a little like dragons too, surrounding the skylight in the corridor. I took the picture very surreptitiously as I didn't want anyone thinking I was a weirdo, though maybe people thought I was one anyway!

Boatiful (please pardon the terrible pun!)

 A sudden heat wave last weekend meant that a visit to the beach was the height of priority for a Sunday afternoon. Above a convenience store in Walton on the Naze, right near the beach front, I found this abundance of boats. A glorious find on a sunny day.

Steel Scales

As you can probably tell by now- I use the trains a lot. Living in London doesn't really necessitate a car and, as much as I'd love to, it's impossible to walk everywhere. Therefore I spend a lot of time lurking around train stations waiting for inevitably late trains and staring skyward. This photo was taken outside of my nearest tube stop, near where the buses line up. I love the way that the pattern of the metal looks a little like scales.


I spotted this on the barrier above Harringay Rail station. After trying to fathom what it was, why it was there and what it does, I concluded that it was probably a human version of those spikes that get put on shop fronts to stop the pigeons settling. If anyone knows what it really is- do get in touch. It looks pretty sinister to me...